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Nutricosmetics Riding in on Cosmetics’ Coattails

August 27, 2010 Comments

Nutricosmetics is slated for large growth, as this term continues to buzz all over the beauty and personal care markets. However, its sales are still a little sluggish in certain regions, leading some experts to recommend nutricosmetics ride on cosmetics’ coattails for better success. Sephane Delahaye, co-founder of Innovabio, says success lies in product distribution, according to an interview conducted by 

While some markets are flourishing in this area—the Chinese—others, such as Europe, are slumping on its “beauty-from-within" potential despite the promising numbers showing up in other regions of the market. Delahaye chalks up nutricosmetics’ success in the Asian markets to its pairing of nutricosmetics with predominate cosmetics brands such as Shiseido and Kanebo. The problem? Nutricosmetics in Europe are associated with nutraceutical brands, not cosmetics brands; and nutricosmetics are tethered to the credibility of the brand it’s associated with. In regards to the United States, the largest increase in U.S. beauty sales is in cosmetic brands such as Dr. Perricone and Dr. Murad.


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