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Burt’s Bees Releases Multimedia Social & Environmental Report for 2010


DURHAM, N.C.—This fiscal year 2010, Burt’s Bees continues to hold a meaningful, open dialogue with consumers and stakeholders through the brand’s biennial Social & Environmental Report. The multimedia report illustrates the company’s progress toward a set of committed 2020 Sustainability Goals while giving a voice to the people behind Burt’s Bees’ ongoing commitment.

The online multimedia platform is designed to deliver sustainability report data while opening doors to Burt’s Bees’ culture and practices, and fostering enhanced engagement on the part of consumers and stakeholders. The videos feature insight from key brand members including director of sustainability, Yola Carlough. “The opportunity to compile this year’s report in a multimedia format prompted valuable sustainability dialogue among our employees," Carlough said. “We hope the new format will increase accessibility and prompt interest on the part of our partners, retailers and consumers as well."

Guided by the B Corporation protocol, the report addresses accountability and transparency across the company’s committed sustainability goals, including environmental footprint, employee engagement, workplace practices, packaging, sourcing and community action. This year, the company’s accomplishments include:

  • Zero waste to landfill at all U.S. facilities
  • The installation of a water reclamation system intended to save approximately 300K gallons of water per year
  • The launch of “Live the Greater Good," a comprehensive workday program to involve all employees in more sustainable practices at home and at work.
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