Movie Alert: The Story of Cosmetics

3 days ago Comments

Annie Leonard is the founder of The Story of Stuff Project, which investigates systems of production and consumption, including current methods of consuming, producing and disposing of goods, and their social and environmental impact. July 21, 2010 marks the long-awaited debut of her documentary film, “The Story of Cosmetics”, an in-depth look at the cosmetics industry and their perpetual use of toxic chemicals that lead to health issues.

From the lipsticks you smooth across your lips to the shampoos you lather up with the morning, the $50 billion cosmetic industry is a chemical giant that is pumping potential cancer and birth defects into the millions of users that purchasing its products. Leonard’s film is exposing the cosmetic industry’s use of unsustainable toxic petrochemicals, as well a regulatory look at personal care products and the lack of attention and regulation on these chemicals. Legislation was introduced in 2010, but the chemical companies are trying to strike the proposed law at its knees, and tout blind trust rather than investigative questions.

This 20-minute educational film is suitable and relatable for all ages, and offers insights, as well as tactics to come up against the concerns surrounding personal care products and the ubiquitous chemical ingredients that threaten the health of those who use them.



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