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Nutricosmetics Still Backseat to Traditional Cosmetics


Despite the interest in ingestible beauty and the concept of nutricosmetics, consumers are still opting for traditional cosmetic products versus anti-aging foods, beverages and supplements, according to a recent survey conducted by Ipsos Marketing.

As reported by, the survey assessed consumer’s interest in products—foods, beverages, dietary supplements and personal care products—that deliver beneficial effects on health. The surveyed results found dietary supplements were only a runner up to conventional personal care products. But fear not, Ipsos did report consumers’ interest is heightened for beauty foods and the category is experiencing growth.

Datamonitor valued the global beauty-from-within market—beauty foods, beverages, weight-loss products and oral beauty supplements—at $5.9 billion in 2008 and $6.3 billion in 2009, and is projected to be up to $6.8 billion in 2010. It valued the U.S. market in nutricosmetic products (which also includes weight-loss products) at $1.06 billion in 2008, up almost 75 percent from 2003 when the market was valued at $579.3 million. And they are predicting the nutricosmetics’ market worth to hit $1.55 billion by 2013. 

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