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Cooper Concepts ~ Cooper Complete Dermatologic Health Supplement

3 days ago Comments

DALLAS—Cooper Complete, a division of Cooper Concepts, released a new supplement—Cooper Complete Dermatologic Health—for hair, skin and nails. The supplement can be taken in addition to a multivitamin to give hair, skin and nails lost health and verve. Cooper’s Dermatologic Health supplement provides an array of nutrients:  

Vitamin A, in the form of natural beta-carotene with mixed carotenoids, and zinc  help to improve complexion. Both nutrients counter facial oil and acne and its lesions. Lutein filters high-energy, blue light, which can damage skin cells, and protects the skin by attacking free radicals. It also supports eye and cardiovascular health. Copper, essential to enzyme reactions, increases elastin production and reduces the appearance of stretch marks, lax skin and wrinkles. Copper combats psoriasis and other skin conditions. Biotin, a B vitamin and essential to skin, hair and nail rejuvenation. An antioxidant called Polypodium leucotomas, derived from a tropical plant in South and Central America protects against UV radiation from the sun. Horsetail extract is a living fossil that contains high levels of the element silicon, found to be effective in hair growth.

Cooper’s Dermatologic Health contains no sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy protein, milk or dairy products, corn, sodium, starch, artificial colorings, preservatives or flavoring.

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