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Curcumin in Vesicular System More Effective for Anti-Aging


SAGAR, India—Recent results from an Indian study indicated the superiority of curcumin/phosphatidyl choline complex and the phyto-vesicles prepared from CU-PC complex over others in providing enhanced anti-aging, antioxidant and anti-wrinkle effect (Arch Dermatol Res. 2010 Nov 18). Creams and gels containing curcumin are popularized worldwide and marketed all over the world, but even after incorporation of high amounts of curcumin in topical formulations, significant antioxidant and anti-aging effect could not be achieved. Therefore, researchers sought to develop a vesicular system for delivery of curcumin to achieve enhanced topical bioavailability.

Complex of curcumin with phosphatidyl choline (PC) was prepared and characterized on the basis of TLC, DSC, melting point and IR spectroscopic analysis. The complex was further converted into vesicles (phyto-vesicles). Liposomes and niosomes of curcumin were also prepared and all these vesicular formulations were incorporated into carbopol gel to make it feasible for topical application on skin. Anti-aging effects of these formulations were compared with plain curcumin and physical mixture of curcumin with phosphatidyl choline in UV-induced oxidative stress in mice. Analytical reports along with spectroscopic data revealed the formation of the complex.

The phyto-vesicles were found to be most effective than all other formulations and plain curcumin in providing an enhanced antioxidant and anti-aging effect. This increase may be have been due to the amphiphilic nature of the complex, which greatly enhances the water and lipid miscibility of the curcumin. 

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