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Mibelle Biochemistry ~ Sunflower Shoot Active


BUCHS, Switzerland—Mibelle Biochemistry introduced a Sunflower Shoot Active, a purified extract of organic sunflower sprouts that energizes the skin and delays aging. Sprouts, also called shoots, have naturally occurring levels of nutrients (vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients) higher than the corresponding mature plant. With age, the body’s cells produce less energy and also less antioxidants.The level of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen and elastin, increases. This leads to a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin and to the appearance of wrinkles. Gene array analysis as well as in vitro studies performed on fibroblasts and on reconstructed epidermis showed the capacity of Sunflower Shoot Active to reverse the aging process by:

  • Stimulating the cellular production of energy and antioxidants
  • Stimulating the build-up of ECM proteins and inhibiting their degradation by MMP reinforcing the skin barrier.

Sunflower Shoot Active is ECOCERT certified and contains:

  • 99.5 percent of ingredients from natural origin
  • 72.364 percent of ingredients from organic farming


  • Energizing and revitalizing formulations
  • Active protection skin care
  • Rejuvenation treatments
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