Skin Care



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  • H20 Plus ~ Marine Science Products

    H20 Plus’ skin care, bath and body, and hair care collections make marine ingredients look sexy. …More


    Posted in News

  • face 4 humanity ~ Skin Care with FiberStone Packaging

    face 4 humanity, an eco-conscious skincare line, completed its new packaging with FiberStone®, a low carbon footprint paper. …More

    June 26, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Women Want Makeup with Skin Care Benefits

    makeup with skin care benefits

    Guess what? Women don’t just want their lip gloss to add color and shine or their foundation to lend coverage; they want skin care perks, too. More than eight in 10 (86 percent) women told The NPD Group they use makeup products with skin care benefits. …More

    June 20, 2012

    Posted in News

  • U.S. Women Top Users of Anti-Aging Face Creams

    U.S. female consumers and anti-aging face creams

    In 2011, the U.S. anti-aging skin care market was worth $2.3 billion. This number is proof of the substantial growth in the past five years, as women continue to clamor for the next advancement to stave off the signs of aging. Who is leading the charge? According to Mintel, …More

    June 18, 2012

    Posted in News

  • IBR Talking Natural at HBA Global

    Next week at HBA Global 2012 (June 19 to 21), IBR will be talking natural during the Innovative Cosmeceuticals Technologies of Tomorrow session. Fabien Havas, Ph.D., IBR R&D manager will present “Natural Alternatives for Relief of Rosacea, Dark Circles and …More

    June 14, 2012

    Posted in News

  • MD-7 Cosmeceuticals ~ Skin Care Line

    MD-7 Cosmeceuticals is making its entire product line including its Brightening Exfoliant Powder available directly to consumers. …More

    June 13, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Nails, Eyes, Scents Bolstering Beauty U.S. Sales

    nail polish_trends in beauty

    New trends in nail care, dramatic eye looks and the appeal of limited-edition scents significantly bolstered sales in the 2011 U.S. personal care market, according to the “Cosmetics & Toiletries USA” report from Kline & Co. Sales exceeded $38 billion at …More

    June 13, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Phenomé ~ Organic Skin Care, Hair Care

    Phenomé launched its natural and organic skin care and hair care products and will be exhibiting its line at HBA Global. …More

    June 12, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Arista Industries ~ Argan Oil

    Arista Industries introduced its Argan Oil for its use in skin care and hair care products. …More

    June 8, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Karuna ~ Karuna Luxe

    From L.A. to New York, Linda Wang and the team at Karuna are flying East for HBA Global to introduced their new skin care line Karuna Luxe, formulated with natural ingredients. …More

    June 7, 2012

    Posted in News

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