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Chamomile Helps Wound Healing


SEMNAN, Iran—According to Persian researchers, Matricaria chamomilla extract administered topically has wound healing potential in linear incisional wound model in rats (Nat Prod Res. 2010 May;24(8):697-7020). Thirty male Wistar rats were subjected to a linear 3 cm incision made over the skin of the back. The animals were randomly divided into three experimental groups, as control, olive oil and treatment. The control group did not receive any drug or cold cream. The olive oil group received topical olive oil once a day from beginning of experiments to complete wound closure. The treatment group was treated topically by M. chamomilla extract dissolved in olive oil at the same time.For computing the percentage of wound healing, the area of the wound measured at the beginning of experiments and the next 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20 days. The percentage of wound healing was calculated by Walker formula after measurement of the wound area. Results showed there were statistically significant differences between treatment and olive oil animals (P<0.05) in most of the days.

Other studies have questioned the dermatological effects of chamomile; however, in a Danish review, researchers said, “While numerous beneficial effects of chamomile have been suggested no studies have so far been able to substantiate these claims significantly. The absence of evidence is primarily caused by the design and quality of the studies identified (Ugeskr Laeger. 2010 Dec 13;172(50):3492-34960)."

2011 should present new research, and hopefully reveal more conclusive results for chamomile’s dermatological effects.

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