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Pomega5 ~ Botanical Eye Contour Cream


Pomega5 introduced Pomega5 Botanical Eye Contour Cream, featuring an advanced formulation of biodynamic and organic ingredients to hydrate, de-puff and minimize the appearance of dark circles. It’s formulated with omega-5, which has been extracted from organic cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil, and helps promote cell renewal, stimulates collagen production and minimizes free radical damage. Omega-5 is a botanical form of conjugated linolenic acid (CLnA), an immune-support compound shown to override the inflammatory responses of skin and in recent studies, shown to stimulate cell production and promote regeneration of the epidermis.

In addition to pure omega-5, the formulation features ingredients sourced from biodynamic farming to ensure the highest-possible nutritional concentration and maximum effect, including:

  • Pomegranate Seed Oil – Rich in omega-5 to promote cell renewal, stimulates collagen production and minimizes free radical damage.
  • Blue Green Algae Extract – Rich in omega-3 to decongest, high in protein to strengthen skin and vital minerals smoothes, promotes cell regeneration and detoxifies.
  • Horsetail Kelp Extract – Reduces dark circles by helping heal broken capillaries. Also a concentrated source vitamin K to reduce dark circles.
  • Cucumber Extract – A mild astringent de-puffs while hydrating and relieves inflammation.
  • Orchid Extract – Supports elasticity, protects against moisture loss, promotes cell renewal and reduces the appearance of fine lines.
  • Pomega’s patent-pending botanical preservation system and fruit-based emulsification system
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