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CoQ10’s ‘Face Lift’ on Skin

By Steve Myers Comments

Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) has antioxidant properties and undertakes activities crucial to health on a cellular level; it is made in the body and is available in supplement form. However, compared to similar nutrients, CoQ10 is unique in its prevalence in the body and its limited content in foods. This ingredient also lives up to its name origins when it comes to benefits, as its role in energy production and antioxidant protection apply to many different areas of health, including skin.

The sexiness of CoQ10, since it’s typically popular for its role in energy and heart health, is reflected in its ability to protect and improve skin. Used in skin care products for its antioxidant properties, CoQ10 is ultimately thought to limit production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that can damage collagen fibers. MMPs are enzymes that break down matrix proteins, such as collagen and elastin. The skin matrix is the structural foundation of the skin and is responsible for skin’s strength, suppleness, elasticity and firmness. The key to the life cycle of these skin matrix proteins is balance. In healthy skin, old or damaged matrix is broken down, and new matrix is formed; aging can disrupt this harmony, as declining matrix production makes way for excessive matrix breakdown. Further, oxidative damage from UV radiation and other environmental hazards such as smoking and pollution can also stimulate MMPs. In such cases, topical CoQ10 can help restore a healthier balance.

Derma Q-Gel topical ingredient, from Tishcon, is featured in numerous personal care finished products bearing the Derma Q-Gel name, including Dr. Sinatra and Solanova. Avalon Organics makes a line of CoQ10 skin care products, including wrinkle defense crèmes and serums, as well as a facial toner, firming body lotion and facial cleansing gel and milk. The company offers a CoQ10 skin care manual that details the products in this area and discusses the ingredient’s effects relative to skin type. The Tropical Solutions™ line was recently introduced and includes several anti-aging crèmes and a serum from Derma e®. It also features CoQ10 for its antioxidant benefits to skin. In a slightly different delivery, Iroha Masks offers a CoQ10+collagen+soy mask targeting wrinkles and other signs of aging skin.

CoQ10 has also been shown to stimulate gene expression of hair keratins. Several shampoos and conditioners featuring CoQ10 have popped up, including a new line of hair care products called Self-Help, from celebrity stylist Ken Paves, shampoo and conditioner from Organika, and Finesse ReVitality shampoo and conditioner.

There is also some science on CoQ10 nanoemulsions having a stimulatory effect on collagen I synthesis and mitochondrial cell activity in dermal fibroblasts. MiBelle Biochemistry, a Swiss company, makes a supersaturated CoQ10 double nanoemulsion (vitamins E and C) called Nano-Lipobelle DN. The company claims this antioxidant combination not only protects against oxidative damage, but also stimulates hair growth and fights hair aging.

CoQ10 may have gained popularity in the heart health and energy markets, but it’s clearing spilling over into skin care, and for obvious reasons. It’s crucial role in skin health is not to be ignored.

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