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Phosphagenics Set to Launch Cellulite Cream


MELBOURNE, Australia—Phosphagenics Ltd. commenced focus group trials in the United States of its cosmetic products that combine the novel lipolytic peptide licensed from Calzada Ltd. with the company’s patented TPM™ platform delivery technology.

Phosphagenics is on track to launch its patented cosmetic product that aims to reduce the appearance of cellulite, with company executives anticipating a March/April product launch in Australia. This will be followed by a launch into the more lucrative U.S. market in the second half of the year. Cellulite describes a condition where bulging fat cells give the appearance of bumps on the body, commonly referred to as the “orange peel" effect.

The novel peptide is a 16 amino acid cyclical peptide that was discovered at Monash University. It has undergone several years of testing to characterize its ability to promote lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells. Its safety has been well established as has the ability to reduce the size of human fat cells in vitro.

Phosphagenics’ CEO, Esra Ogru, said there was little doubt the cosmetic product had “huge potential", with previous in vitro studies showing the Company’s technology delivers the peptide topically into skin.

Ogru said the existing cosmetic market is very large with global sales exceeding $US3 billion annually for products that promised firming, toning or smoothing of the skin, as well as the reduction in the appearance of the orange peel effect.

The focus group studies will be conducted over an eight-week period by one of the leading U.S. cosmetic testing laboratories and will utilize some of the industry’s most advanced assessment and measuring techniques.

Phosphagenics’ patented TPM delivery technology significantly increases the delivery of many active ingredients into the skin compared to many other topical formulations. Phosphagenics has scientifically proven that its TPM delivery technology ensures greater cosmetic effect on the skin.

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