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in-cosmetics Hosting Skin-Aging Science Seminar


MILAN, Italy—in-cosmetics, a trade exhibition for personal care ingredients, heads to Milan March 29 to 31, 2011. Along with ingredient manufacturers and suppliers, research laboratories and industry associations exhibiting at the show, other highlights include the topical seminars.  

The scientific seminar skin-aging, organized in association with CEC Editore, will explore the latest scientific developments and how they will affect cosmetic formulations being introduced to the market. Skin-aging has always been a hot topic in the beauty industry. There are countless stories, articles and advice out there on the causes, their effects and the latest innovative formulations. The in-cosmetics seminar aims to cover the whole spectrum, from functional impairment of the skin to cosmetic solutions.

A host of high-profile speakers, including Anthony Rawlings (AVR Consulting Ltd, UK), Professor Johann W. Wiechers, Ph.D. (JW Solutions, The Netherlands) and Luigi Rigano (Rigano Industrial Consulting and Research, Italy) will review the latest skin-aging research, investigating a number of topics, including the key cellular and biochemical changes that take place when skin tissue ages; the quantification of skin-aging parameters that are necessary for the evaluation of cosmetic and dietary supplements; dermal delivery for anti-aging actives; how skin penetration characteristics change as we age; oxidative stress and its testing by molecular probes; and the innovation in actives and formulations.

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