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Cooper Complete ~ Skin, Eye Health Supplements


DALLAS—Cooper Complete launched two supplements with lutein for dermatologic and eye health. Lutein, a nutrient found in dark, green, leafy vegetables increases skin hydration and elasticity and protects against skin inflammation and eye diseases. Lutein is present in tissues in the eyes, skin, cervix, brain, breast and blood serum, but is not produced by the body and must be consumed in food or supplements.

Cooper Complete Dermatologic Health supplement contains lutein and other key nutrients that promote healthy skin, hair and nails. It includes vitamin A and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Also included is polypodium leucotomasa, a fern-based antioxidant that may reduce the risk of skin cancers. It should be taken in conjunction with a multivitamin, and should not be considered a substitute for sunscreen. Dermatologic Health is suggested for adults with intake of three capsules per day with meal. One bottle contains a 30-day supply of 90 capsules.

Cooper Complete Eye Health is formulated to provide nutrients that are shown to help eyes. It is recommended for adults, with two tablets advised per day with meals. One bottle contains a two-month supply of 120 tablets, to be taken along with daily multivitamins.

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