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Estée Lauder Talks Digital: Follow Consumer Behavior


Last week Estée Lauder’s Digital Strategy premiered a video—Follow Consumer Behavior—on from the WWD Beauty Conference featuring Lynne Greene, global brand president, Clinique, Origins and Ojon.

The WWD Beauty forum is seeking to answer questions about brand creation, brand renewal and how to refresh and revamp a brand without losing its customers. A major key player on the table—digital. You know it; we know it; digital is it. From facebook to twitter to YouTube, digital is talking louder than any other medium; but what’s being said on digital may be falling behind the aspect of “following the behavior," according to Greene.

“Chase, chase, chase," Greene said. “Once we’ve chased it, and once we’ve found it, what are we going to say? The important thing about digital is the same thing it’s always been as an interaction with the consumer: Follow the behavior … lead the thinking, capture the heart. “ 

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