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TRI-K ~ PhytoCellTec™ Argan


NORTHVALE, N.J.—TRI-K introduced PhytoCellTec™ Argan, an ingredient made with stem cells harvested from argan tress. PhytoCellTec Argan is designed to delay the depletion of dermal stem cells. Dermal skin stem cells confer firmness and elasticity to the skin and are involved in wound healing processes. By using plant stem cells, PhytoCellTec Argan seeks to protect and vitalize human dermal cells.  

PhytoCellTec Argan is produced using a four-step process that includes wounding argan sprouts to induce the formation of callous cells, growing callous cells in liquid cultures, extracting the oil and water-soluble ingredients and spraying on an isomalt-based powder. 

Studies by the company have shown that PhytoCellTec Argan increases the sphere forming efficiency in the human dermal papilla (where dermal skin cells are localized). This supports dermal rejuvenation of the skin, vitalization of dermal stem cells responsible for collagen and elastin production, acceleration of the skin’s natural repair process and fights wrinkles and loss of firmness.

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