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Auromere Ayurvedic Imports ~ Neem Balm Healing Salve


LODI, Calif.—Auromere Ayurvedic Imports released Neem Balm, a 100-percent natural healing salve made for hard-to-solve skin conditions. The oil of the neem tree combined with several active ingredients found in the balm formula have been traditionally used by Ayurvedic specialists to treat a wide variety of epidermal conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, septic sores, burns, insect bites, athlete’s foot, rashes, bruises, cuts, fungal infections, hemorrhoids, hives, inflammation, joint pain, muscle soreness, warts and skin ulcers.

Perfect for soothing dry and itchy skin, Ayurvedic Neem Balm tones the skin and promotes its normal functioning, making dry skin soft and moist. In addition, its ideal for cracked elbows and heels caused from harsh weather conditions. Finally, use it to strengthen nail cuticles for healthy nail tissue. Neem Balm is formulated with a beeswax base and includes neem oil, mango ginger oil, sandalwood oil and olive oil. Neem Balm is available in a 2-oz. jar.

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