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Desert Whale Jojoba ~ Fruit Cocktail™, Lime Twist™

August 3, 2010 Comments

Tucson, Ariz.—Desert Whale Jojoba launched two new fruit-based emollients: Fruit Cocktail™ and Lime Twist™. Fruit Cocktail is a proprietary blend of Fragaria ananas (strawberry) seed oil, Ribes nigra (blackcurrant) seed oil, Prunus armeniaca (apricot) kernel oil and Sambucus nigra (elderberry) seed oil. When mixed, these four oils create a rich fatty acid profile packed with positive skin attributes such as high gamma linolenic acid (GLA), antioxidants and omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Fruit Cocktail is well suited for anti-aging and dry skin creams. All of the components of Fruit Cocktail are sustainable by-products of the fruit industry.

Lime Twist (Citrus aurantifolia (lime) seed oil), which is pressed from the seed is an emollient containing natural waxes and rich fatty acids that provide moisturization to the skin and enhance skin protection through improved barrier function. A proprietary blend of lime seed oil and vegetable wax creates an exclusive butter. By combining a high percentage of lime seed oil with a small amount of vegetable wax, the benefits of lime seed oil are available in a more stable and functional butter base. Lime Twist is an ivory-colored butter that is semi-solid at room temperature.

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