Organic Beauty—Is there Any Other Way?

January 18, 2010


So you still don’t believe organic sells? Well … think again. The Pink Report™ from The Benchmarking Company, The Age of Naturals, dove inside women’s heads and uncovered their purchasing habits, their motivation for purchasing a new cosmetic product, and why they skipped over your cosmetic product and chose your competitor’s product instead.

According to the company’s report, “93 percent of women would be willing to try a new cosmetic brand if it earned the USDA Organic seal.” Women are taking a cosmetic turn, as they’re fed up with chemicals and potentially harmful ingredients in their personal care products and are ready for a fresh start—fresh as in fresh ingredients such as natural and organic inclusions. The report stated 64 percent of women buy natural and organic beauty products because they don’t want chemicals on their skin. If that doesn’t open your company’s “natural” door then what will?




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