Topical and Ingestible Approaches to Youth

April 22, 2010 Comments

The refrigerator door seems to be the key to youthful you. Reports about nutricosmetic products touting inside-out beauty benefits are popping up all over the market. CBS 2 reported on a new ingestible vitamin good for skin, hair and nails in an attempt to compensate for the nutrient-void diet that is so pervasive in American society. Similarly, enzymes and minerals are being added to many topical formulas to help boost their skin benefits. It’s estimated by 2012 the global market for these synergistic products is expected to grow to $2.5 billion, according to the Kline Group; however this figure may need to be amended due to the economic conditions but growth is still on the market horizon.

Some hot ingredients used in nutricosmetics and other beauty products are lycopene, the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their vibrant red color has the potential to protect against damaged caused by the sun; and fatty acids such as omega-3s and fat-soluble antioxidants such as vitamin E are good for soft skin. Additionally, a reporter at looked at vitamin A’s uses in skin care applications. Vitamin A has a long-standing reputation in the skin care industry and is most notably used in acne treatments.

But there is no cure-all ingredient or product. Many of these delivery systems and ingredients work synergistically to achieve the desired results, and “stacking” ingredients and products is a more probable and effective approach instead of relying on any one mineral or beauty pill.



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