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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the associate editor for inside cosmeceuticals and production editor for Natural Products INSIDER. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Beauty Talk

May 4, 2010 Comments
Print conducted an interesting interview with Horst Rechelbacher, founder of Aveda and operator of Intelligent Nutrients. The way he describes the founding of Aveda is very organic, very natural. It made me think, “Isn’t this how every company should start?” or rather, “Aren’t these the basic principles every company should be founded on?” It was so obvious it almost slapped me in the face. Of course natural! Is there any other way? When did we get so sidetracked? When did we get so disconnected from our “roots” that we started creating synthetic everything? Wonder Bread in every breadbox instead of whole-wheat. PVP-based hairsprays that includes ingredients used to glue plywood together instead of gum arabic derived from tree sap. We can imitate and synthesize everything!

Rechelbacher was born in 1941 in Austria. WWII was ending when he was 4 years old so he definitely grew up during an interesting time. As a young boy he was interested in hair care and personal care products; an aberration from the rest of his schoolmates. He was an apprentice in a hair salon and his mother worked in an apothecary. Interestingly, when his mother came to America to visit her son’s salon she said it smelled foul, and he should be careful what chemicals he was using. Back then, PVC (aka liquid plastic) was used in hairspray as a thickening agent. It’s no wonder he felt ill. He recollects his mother giving him an herbal drink that made him feel better … the first product. He traveled to India and studied Ayurveda. Aveda seemed to be a natural reaction to his personal experience and upbringing, his passion for the personal care industry, and his research.

He also commented on nutricosmetics and organic personal care products. He said the nutricosmetics sector is very complicated and he feels quality herbs and foods are dependent upon the quality of soil. Rechelbacher also noted the difference between certifying organic foods versus certifying organic cosmetics. Food is one ingredient (yogurt, milk), but aromatics have 30 essential oils blended together, which requires each oil to be individually organically certified, not just the collective product. And his mantra? “Don’t put anything on the body which is not digestible food-grade and more important ... nutritious.” Of course!  





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