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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the associate editor for inside cosmeceuticals and production editor for Natural Products INSIDER. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Beauty On-The-Go

March 10, 2010 Comments
Posted in Blog

From the office to the gym to cocktails with friends, beauty is right by your side. No matter what the situation or setting is, beauty, and everything that goes along with it, is omnipresent; and United Kingdom-cosmetic god, Barry M knows this. Barry M Lookz is making itself omnipresent on your iPhone and iPod, as Barry M Lookz launched a new application that’s free to download from your iPhone, iPod or iTunes, keeping you informed on the latest beauty tips, advice and application. Themed tutorials are updated every week, from Celebrity-inspired Lookz to Bollywood Lookz and Clubbing Lookz. We really are in the technological age.  



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