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Frownies ~ Anti-Aging Beautiful Eyes Bag


VISTA, Calif.—Frownies introduced the Beautiful Eye Bag, a complete eye care beauty system. The Beautiful Eye Bag comes with beauty regimens that gradually eliminate the signs of aging. The bag includes three pairs of Frownies treatments, including the Gel Eye Patches, forehead and between the eye Facial Patches, Rose Water Hydrator and the Immune Shield.

Frownies all-natural facial pads provide natural wrinkle reduction for forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, eye wrinkles and marionette lines. The pads are applied to the forehead wrinkle between the eyes and across the forehead, as well as crows feet at the corner of the eyes and mouth to guide the underlying muscles back to their natural and relaxed appearance.

The Gel Eye Patches is a treatment to help build under eye and eye lid collagen, and reduce puffiness around the eyes and eye lids. The Immune shield is an active form of vitamin E, which protects under eye and eye lid from color cosmetics and environmental damages like fine lines, oxidation damage and sagging skin. The shield may be used daily and is great for after tanning to heal the eye skin area. The Rose Water Hydrator is used to activate and add treatment to the back of the patches and to keep the eye gels moist for storage between applications.  

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