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Salicin as Anti-Aging Agent


PROVO, Utah—According to a study published earlier this year in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, salicin, derived from willow bark and known for its anti-inflammatory properties, may regulate functional “youth gene clusters" to reflect a more youthful gene expression profile by increasing the expression of genes responsible for youthful skin and decreasing the expression of genes responsible for the appearance of aged skin (March 30, 2011). There are a variety of biological mechanisms that contribute to specific characteristics of aging skin. Each of these biological processes is influenced by specific groups of genes. In this study, researchers identified groups of genes associated with specific clinical signs of skin aging and refer to these as functional “youth gene clusters". In this study, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to investigate the effects of topical application of salicin in regulating the expression of functional “youth gene clusters" to reflect a more youthful skin profile and reduce the appearance of attributes associated with skin aging. Results showed salicin significantly influences the gene expression profiles of treated human equivalent full-thickness skin, by regulating the expression of genes associated with various biological processes involving skin structure, skin hydration, pigmentation and cellular differentiation.

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