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Ola Hawai’i ~ Fragrance Sticks


HILO, Hawaii—Ola Hawai’i introduced fragrance sticks in three scents. These natural, alcohol-free perfume sticks leaves skin delicately scented with lasting, exotic scents from the islands of Hawaii. Made using Hawaiian beeswax and coconut oil, these hard perfume sticks are applied like lip balm to pressure points. Each is housed in a hand-crafted coconut wood case.

Choose from three scents:

  • Coconut Lemongrass – Fresh coconut with a hint of lemongrass
  • Island Tuberose – Floral, feminine scent
  • Paradise Plumeria – Floral and delicately sweet

Ola Hawai’i products are eco-friendly, paraben-free and not tested on animals.

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