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Befriending Consumers


Marketing beauty supplies needs to be engaging and intimate to succeed in the new world of interactivity, according to “'Beauty becomes interactively intimate" from Euromonitor International. Companies should engage with consumers on a more personable level by creating an interactive beauty care experience, using both real and virtual platforms.

“If this is one of the most challenging eras for beauty and personal care marketing, it is also one of the most exciting because opportunity to flex creativity and flair has never been richer," the market research company noted.

Euromonitor International suggested initiatives that range from in-store nail art services and mobile phone make-up apps to standalone beauty pampering boutiques. These types of in-store beauty care ventures are set to become a more pervasive feature of the modern retail landscape over the next five years, not only in developed markets but in key emerging markets too. Middle-class consumers in China and Brazil, for example, have been identified as wanting away-from-home personal care pampering.

The more innovative beauty and personal care companies are in fusing real and virtual marketing platforms, the greater their point of differentiation from competitors, according to Euromonitor International. Companies can do this with mobile phone apps because they open up myriad creative opportunities for companies.

Companies must understand their consumers in order to build deeper relationships with them. Modern-day consumers are more accessible than ever before, but that also makes them harder to entice because competition for their attention is intense. They are tech-savvy, but not nerdy, meaning that they use technology to drive a better quality of life.

“The new endgame is to connect emotionally with consumers and create a complete beauty care experience around the branding," Euromonitor said. “This is set to become a highly competitive arena for beauty and personal care and potentially a pivotal tipping point for the industry's marketing departments."

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