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Bromelain, Papin Reduce Teeth Staining


MANIPAL, India—If there is one universal  goal of oral care, it’s to whiten, as consumers want a stain-free, white smile. Indian researchers assessed the efficacy of a novel dentifrice containing two enzymes extracts found in pineapple and papaya—bromelain and papain—in stain removal (Int J Dent Hyg. July 1, 2010). A total of 24 human molar teeth (12 in test and 12 in control group) were cut to obtain enamel specimens approximately 9 mm(2) and placed on a microscopic slide using mounting adhesive. They were cycled in human saliva, staining model and dried for brushing regimen using a customized brushing apparatus. Lightness values were recorded at baseline, after staining and after brushing regimen using Adobe Photoshop software. Stain removal efficacy was tested using the either of the two dentifrice slurries for two one-minute brushing cycles.

The mean lightness increment for test and control after brushing regimen was 13.7±6.35 and 3.16±1.29, respectively. There was statistically significant difference in percentage removal of stains for test and control groups. Therefore, researchers concluded there was significant stain removal with new whitening dentifrice when compared with control.

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