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Copalis® ~ Sea Solutions® Protein M+ Anti-Aging Nutricosmetic Ingredient


BOULOGNE/MER, France—Copalis® Sea Solutions® for Beauty released Protein M+, an anti-aging nutricosmetic ingredient. Protein M+ is an all-natural marine polysaccharide and collagen complex. It combines the same proteins and polysaccharides as those found in skin for a synergic action. Collagen fibers give the dermis tensile strength and polysaccharides prevent moisture loss. Protein M+'s extraction process makes it soluble in aqueous phase and fully digestible. Its high bioavailability makes it ideal for oral cosmetics.

Studies conducted by the company suggest overtime, Protein M+ may help visibly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dilated capillaries and age spots, thus improving skin’s moisture balance. In addition, results also show it helps repair sun-damaged skin. Several clinical studies conducted by Copalis suggest Protein M+, with added minerals and vitamins, is effective in the treatment of hair loss. While mechanism of action has yet to be proven, it is suggested the active marine complex is related to the production of dihydrotestosterone in the hair follicle. This molecule is known to cause hair loss.

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