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Symrise ~ SymFinity® 1298 Echinacea Concentrate for Skincare Products

HOLZMINDEN, Germany—Symrise launched SymFinity® 1298, a concentrate of Echinacea purpurea (E. purpurea), shown to be effective in preventing long-term damage to the skin. SymFinity 1298 is a natural ingredient that prolongs the youth of skin cells by increasing their resilience to stress and environmental aggressors that cause wrinkles and fine lines. It also provides anti-irritant activity that aids in the prevention of age spots and uneven tone, while superior antioxidant properties detoxify skin. Made of 100-percent dried juice of fresh E. purpurea, SymFinity 1298 protects skin and promotes an overall healthy radiance. SymFinity 1298 can be used in a broad range of anti-aging products.
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