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Minus417 ~ Miracle Immediate Wrinkle Filler


NEW YORK—Minus417 introduced the Miracle Immediate Wrinkle Filler to its existing product line. Minus427's products feature a scientific combination of natural active components, like moisture-balancing select minerals from the Dead Sea, energizing antioxidant vitamins and plant extracts from France; all of which are designed to assist in regenerating skin cells and preventing the signs of aging. All of the company's products are free of paraben and mineral oils.

The Miracle Immediate Wrinkle Filler features a potent combination of natural chestnut oil, calcium and clay that solidifies and penetrates deep into wrinkles, providing instant care and filling of expression. The cream helps rejuvenate and protects skin from free radical damage thanks to vitamins A and E as well as camila leaf extract. It is also rich with caffeine for instant firming action. It increases skin's moisture level through a mixture of wheat germ, oenothera, unripe avocado oils and the Dead Sea's natural minerals. It is ideal for use on all skin types, especially mature.

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