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Johnson & Johnson ‘Cleaning Up’ Baby Products


 TRENTON, N.J.—After years of pressure from many activists, personal care giant Johnson & Johnson finally reformulated its flagship baby shampoo without the use of formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.

Johnson & Johnson issued a response letter, dated Nov. 16, 2011, stating: “… last year we completed the removal of phthalates, including phthalates in fragrances, from our baby products. We also have begun providing new formulas with alternatives to formaldehyde-releasing preservatives and expect to finish this process in our hundreds of baby products around the world within about two years, and sooner for our baby shampoos. We also are well along in work with our global suppliers to require them to use state-of-the-art technologies that reliably reduce traces of 1,4-dioxane to <1 to 4ppm, and most now meet this standard. Even as we complete this changeover, we continue to search for new alternatives that do not produce 1,4-dioxane during the manufacturing process, and this is our long-term goal."

Two years ago, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics slammed the company for its flagship baby shampoo for its use of a formaldehyde-releasing chemical; yet the company continued to produce its Johnson’s Baby Shampoo in the United States, Canada and China with the chemical ingredient, according to a new report from the Campaign, “Baby’s Tub is Still Toxic."

“We’re glad to see that the Johnson & Johnson is taking this seriously. This commitment is a big step in the right direction. We look forward to the day when we can tell consumers the company’s entire product line is free of carcinogens and other chemicals of concern," said Lisa Archer, director of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics at the Breast Cancer Fund.

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