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Unilever ~ Strength Within Anti-Wrinkle Supplement


LONDON—Unilever Ventures’ Dove Spa is entering the nutricosmetics market via its new supplement—Strength Within Anti-Wrinkle Supplement—developed after more than five years of clinical research by a team of scientists and dermatologists and nutritionists.

Results have shown demonstrably smoother skin with a visible and significant reduction in lines and wrinkles with the greatest efficacy showing on deeper wrinkles. Its clinical and scientific research has been independently recognized by experts from the British Skin Foundation.

Dove Spa research work has proven supplementing diet with key nourishing actives can have a significant impact on skin appearance. It is more difficult to get anything into the deep layers of the dermis from the outside, because the skin is designed to protect us from external factors. The actives delivered from Strength Within gain access to the blood stream and can reach the dermis through its large and effective supply of blood, meaning Strength Within works on all of the body’s skin.

Extensive research carried out with more than 500 women was conducted to select and validate the key nutritional ingredients to fight against the visible signs of skin aging. Strength Within has been formulated with a clinically proven combination of nutritional ingredients, including soy isoflavones extracted from natural soy beans, lycopene and vitamin E, and reinforced with vitamin C to support natural formation of collagen in the skin, and omega-3 essential fatty acids.

The efficacy of this nutritional technology has been proven in rigorous tests using validated clinical protocols versus a placebo control. The final combination of actives has been tested in a 14-week clinical trial involving 164 women.

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