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in-cosmetics Asia Rescheduled for December


BANGKOK—Reed Exhibitions, the organizers of in-cosmetics Asia announced revised dates:  Dec. 14 to Dec. 16, 2011, for its leading personal care ingredients event in Bangkok. The postponement of the show from November was necessary in the face of heavy monsoon rain that has left northern and central areas of Thailand flooded.

The Reed Exhibitions’ teams in London and Thailand have been closely monitoring the situation on a day-to-day basis and, although at the time central Bangkok and the exhibition venue were unaffected, there was huge disruption to movement around the capital and the outlying areas.

“Due to the current crisis in Thailand, we had no option but to postpone in-cosmetics Asia because, as organizers, we were unable to guarantee the delivery of a quality exhibition," said event director Sarah Gibson. “Having reached the decision to move the dates, we are now working closely with our exhibitors and visitors to deliver a successful event in December 2011. We are also very keen to keep the show in Thailand and help support the local economy and our thoughts at this time are with the families of those living in regions affected by the crisis."

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