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NAD Says P&G Mascara Ad Misleading


NEW YORK—After the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus Claims stated Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) print ad for its CoverGirl NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara has misleading images that were altered in Photoshop, the personal care company said will not run the print ads again.

The ad, featuring a celebrity looking up to highlight her long eyelashes, did feature a disclaimer at the bottom, stating: “lashes enhanced in post-production"; however, NAD still requested substantiation for express claims: 

2X more volume vs. bare lashes

20 percent lighter vs. the most expensive mascara  

 NAD also considered whether the advertising at issue conveyed the implied messages that consumers who use CoverGirl NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara would get lashes like those depicted in the advertisement and the lashes depicted in the photograph were achieved solely by using CoverGirl NatureLuxe Mousse Mascara, without post-production enhancement. reported: “Upon receipt of NAD’s initial inquiry, the advertiser advised NAD it had permanently discontinued all of the challenged claims and the photograph in its advertisement.  It is well-established that product demonstrations in advertisements must be truthful and accurate and cannot be enhanced.  Consequently, NAD appreciated the advertiser’s action, which NAD deemed necessary and proper."

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