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Escargot Regenerates Skin


MADRID—Results from a recent Spanish study shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the regenerative properties of mollusk Cryptomphalus Aspersa (SCA), more popularly known as escargot, based on its promoting effect on skin cell migration, proliferation and survival (Int J Cosmet Sci. Dec. 15, 2011).

Regenerative properties of skin decrease with age and, thus, the search for substances that minimize cutaneous aging has increased in the last few years. The secretion of the SCA is a natural product that bears regenerative properties when applied topically. Therefore, researchers studied the in vitro effects of SCA on cell proliferation and migration, as well as on cell-cell (E-Cadherin, beta-catenin) and cell-substrate (vinculin, beta1-integrin) adhesion proteins expression. Researchers used a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT cells) and primary dermal fibroblasts (HF). To test cells proliferation, a colorimetric assay was performed. Cell migration using wound healing assays were also studied, whereas Western Blot and immunofluorescence microscopy were carried out to test the expression of different cell adhesion protein.

SCA promotes proliferation and migration of HaCaT cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Moreover, treatment with SCA increases the migratory behavior and the expression of adhesion molecules in both HaCaT and HF. Finally, SCA also improves cell survival and promotes phosphorylation of FAK and nuclear localization of beta-catenin. The researchers noted these results support its future clinical use in the regeneration of wounded tissues.

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