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Alabu Skin Care® ~ Goat Milk Soaps


MECHANICVILLE, N.Y.—Alabu® Skin Care  ® launched a line of all-natural, hand-made goat milk soaps. Goat milk, the primary ingredient in the company’s soaps, is rich in essential nutrients for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Each bar contains over 25-percent fresh goat milk and additional pure ingredients. Goat milk is fortified with vitamins, including vitamin A and D, which protect and strengthen skin from the elements. It contains light acids which have a similar pH level to normal skin, qualifying goat milk as a buffer. By using Alabu soap, the skin’s natural pH level is maintained without going through a period of change while reducing the risk of irritating the skin.

Along with maintaining the health of skin, Alabu soap improves the appearance of skin through moisturization. Infused with proteins and fats, the goat milk in Alabu has many conditioning properties which hydrates skin, restores smoothness and adds shine. Because Alabu is made with only natural ingredients, it is safe and effective to use for the entire body, including the face.

Alabu soaps are mild and gentle enough to use for the most sensitive skin types. Today, many outside factors affect the condition of skin which can trigger skin ailments such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Using a goat milk product such as Alabu can help relieve irritations such as blemishes, itchiness and redness associated with these conditions while gently cleansing the skin at the same time. Even those with normal skin can reduce the chances of having an allergic reaction or irritation by using Alabu.  

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