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MuLondon Signs The Compact for Safe Cosmetics


LONDON—MuLondon , maker of natural organic skin care, signed The Compact for Safe Cosmetics—a campaign funded by The Environmental Working Group, Breast Cancer Fund and Friends of the Earth, among others, that works to improve the safety of cosmetics and personal care products on the market—and received full membership status. The idea behind The Compact is by having companies committing to providing better information about their product ingredients, consumers can make informed decisions when they go shopping for cosmetics and skincare products. One of The Compact's primary goals is to eliminate harmful chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.

All MuLondon products are guaranteed 100-percent natural, vegan, free of preservatives, and never tested on animals and contain no animal products. Certified organic ingredients are used whenever possible.

Upon signing The Compact for Safe Cosmetics, MuLondon commited to six provisions:

  • Comply with EU Cosmetics Directive: none of the ingredients in MuLondon’s products may contain any of the 1,100 toxins and chemicals banned by the EU because they are linked to cancer and birth defects.
  • Disclose all ingredients: MuLondon must list all ingredients both on its own website and in the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics’ Skin Deep database.
  • Publish and update information, at least once yearly: MuLondon must update information about its products in the Skin Deep database so consumers always have the latest information available to them.
  • Substitute harmful ingredients with safe alternatives: if MuLondon used any unsafe ingredients, it would have to replace them within a period of three years.
  • Substantiate safety of product ingredients: MuLondon commits to proving the ingredients it uses are safe by submitting peer-reviewed studies that consider the impact of repeated use, and exposure to vulnerable groups such as infants and pregnant women.
  • Participate in the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: MuLondon commits to actively participate in conferences and meetings and sign annual certificate of compliance.

To this date, more than 1,300 companies have signed The Compact for Safe Cosmetics, but only 250 are fully compliant. MuLondon is one of the 250 fully compliant companies and receives zero hazard rating for all its products.

Boris Zatezic, founder of MuLondon, said: “I am delighted to be a signer of The Compact for Safe Cosmetics, and proud that we have achieved full membership status and zero hazard rating for all MuLondon products. Having safe and effective skincare has always been the driving force behind MuLondon, and this proves publicly how committed I am to delivering that."

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