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Intertek Launches iComply™

3 days ago Comments

OAK BROOK, Ill.—Companies that import or manufacture products in the United States that are regulated under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) will be under new requirements from the Testing and Certification Rule (aka the 15-Month Rule). Under the 15-Month Rule, all U.S. importers and domestic manufacturers of a product subject to any rule, ban, standard or regulation enforced by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission must certify, based on a test of each product or upon a reasonable testing program, their products comply.

As a result, Intertek developed iComply™, an artificial intelligence application to help ensure and demonstrate compliance across the supply chain. iComply enables U.S. importers and manufacturers to:

  • Capture compliance documentation across multiple products and manufacturers
  • Create a production test plan
  • Generate a General Certificate of Compliance (GCC)
  • Manage compliance without increasing quality assurance staff or overhead costs
  • Track material change and remedial actions across the supply chain
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