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Croda Expands Sales Team

2 days ago Comments

Croda expanded its sales team in Canada as part of an ongoing effort to meet the needs of its Canadian customers. Croda needs a local sales team in the country to answer the needs of Croda’s customers in the personal care, health care, industrial and manufacturing industries, as well as ensure Croda remains a global leader in the manufacture, development and supply of innovative raw materials.

Croda hired new sales people to service customers in the region; to create a new sales support team, located in a new sales-based office in the Greater Toronto Area; and transfer of customer care and logistics functions to Croda’s integrated Customer Care Center in Mill Hall, Pa. by the end of this year. Customer inventory will still be maintained in Canada with warehousing locations in Toronto area as well as Calgary, Alberta. These changes will allow the office in Canada to focus exclusively on servicing the needs of Croda’s Canadian customers and provide an even higher level of customer service.

Croda is committed to exceeding the expectations of its customers in Canada. This expansion will allow Croda to offer a greater focus on the needs of customers in this region within specific market segments.

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