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Frutarom Launches Topical, Oral Nutricosmetic Ingredients

August 13, 2010 Comments

The U.S. division of Haifa, Israel-based Frutarom is honing in on the cosmetics market with the worldwide launch of its new 13-product ingredient line— TopicRange—for cosmetics and supplements as combination products. All 13 ingredients can provide a combo of topical cosmetic products and supplements, according to NutraIngredients-USA.

Laurent Leduc, vice president of Frutraom USA told “We believe the market is getting closer to supplements manufacturers offering combination topical and supplement products and cosmetics companies doing the same—a move that is likely to bring the two industries closer together."

The line is separated into two categories: anti-aging and sun care. The anti-aging line aims to address environmental damages such as UV exposure, in addition to hydrating and protecting and maintaining skin health.

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