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Dentisse® ~ Natural Reflection™

September 23, 2010 Comments

HUNTERTOWN, Ind.—Dentisse® Natural Reflection™ is a new brand of premium oral care toothpaste using a special refined kaolin—a natural white clay—cleaning and polishing agent to produce a healthier looking smile.  The kaolin-based formula used in Dentisse Natural Reflection toothpaste is a low-abrasion, stain-prevention/removal system for giving teeth shine and luster.

Dentisse is a natural alternative to harsh, artificial chemical-based whiteners and polishers. The kaolin clay is highly purified and specially refined to produce flat-surfaced particles with microscopic ridges that polish teeth to a micro-smooth luster. Bentonite, another natural clay, is used in the formula to give the toothpaste its creamy consistency.  ts bold mint flavor comes from pure, natural peppermint oil.

Brushing with Dentisse provides:

  • Noticeably shinier, whiter teeth
  • Long-lasting fresh breath
  • Less plaque and tartar buildup
  • A smoother, cleaner “mouth feel"
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