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Intelligent Formulation Backing Syntopix Group for Skincare Formulation Products

6 days ago Comments

BRADFORD, England—Syntopix Group plc, the antimicrobial research company, secured backing from Intelligent Formulation Ltd. for a 30-day international research challenge into formulation design for skincare products. Intelligent Formulation, which supports businesses involved in formulation, received more than 20 proposals and selected just two applicants to support, including the Syntopix bid. Intelligent Formulation will fund the month-long project that will see Syntopix work with experts from across the globe to characterize microemulsions made from environmentally friendly surfactants, especially those used to make skincare cosmetics. It is hoped the resultant data will assist scientists to formulate new cosmetic, pharmaceutical and personal care products.

Just like commonly known emulsions such as paint and mayonnaise, microemulsions are a mixture of oil and water. However, unlike ordinary emulsions, microemulsions contain very small particles. This means they can be produced simply by mixing the components that results in crystal-clear solutions. Commercially, microemulsions are extremely important, and can be found in foods, cosmetics and medicines as well as inks, lubricants and cleaning fluids.

Steve Jones, CEO of Syntopix Group plc said: “Taking part in this challenge is very important to Syntopix and I am pleased we have been selected. Formulating microemulsions can be problematic due to its trial and error nature and is made all the more difficult by the lack of physical parameters available to inform their design. Our research project will help determine some of these essential parameters to speed up selection of ingredients. The project will give our formulation work a huge boost and ensure we can develop products right first time, saving both time and money. We are delighted that innovative approach to formulation has been recognized as important to the industry as a whole."

Jim Bullock, chief executive of Intelligent Formulation commented: “All the assessors were very impressed with the Syntopix proposal because it will benefit not only their business, but also the wider formulation network from which we attract our members."

As part of the project, Syntopix will be working with Professor Steven Abbott of the University of Leeds, Professor Edgar Acosta of the University of Toronto and will use the High Throughput capabilities of VLCI, in Amsterdam to efficiently screen a large range of surfactants. Work on the research project has commenced and practical work is scheduled to finish in early January. Publication of surfactant parameters is planned for April 2011.

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