Shin-Etsu Silicones ~ DM-Fluid-2cs

4 days ago Comments

AKRON, Ohio—Shin-Etsu Silicones of America, a U.S. subsidiary of Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd., developed an alternative to D5 siloxanes and D5 derivative materials—DM-Fluid-2cs (DMF-2)—a high-purity, low-residual dimethicone fluid. DMF-2 offers a low 2cs (centistokes) viscosity and near-zero (0.1) skin irritation rating, and delivers an enhanced sensory cosmetic solution for applications ranging from foundation and makeup products to skin care, hair care and sunscreens.

Shin-Etsu’s DMF-2 diluent system has a higher flash-point than D5 and is therefore less combustible. The flash point is high enough to eliminate processing concerns and it can be easily heated if necessary; Cold processing is also made simpler using the derivative products; they are often suitable for ambient, room-temperature processing.



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