Golden Door ~ Skin Care Products

5 weeks ago Comments

ESCONDIDO, Calif.—Golden Door Skin Care introduced three new skin care products:

  • Cell Regenerator Complex: A blend of phospholipids, sodium hyaluronate (form of hyaluronic acid), vitamins, sea and plant extracts. It restores skin and energizes skin cells, penetrates and integrates with cell membranes and hydrates and protects the skin from harsh environmental influences. It improves the overall texture and appearance of the skin and corrects moisture imbalances while boosting skin metabolism.
  • Hydrating Gel: An oil-free hydrating gel that has concentrated water-binding abilities to help skin look firm and hydrated.  It doesn’t leave a greasy feeling and is light-weight and fast absorbing.
  • Imbue Antioxidant Moisturizer:  A time-release, bioactive, lightweight antioxidant face lotion with Pycnogenol, grape seed, green tea and grapefruit seed extracts. It helps prevent skin aging and damage and works to protect the skin against environmental aggressors such as chemical pollution, free radicals, UVA/UVB radiation and dehydration. It’s also strengthens connective tissue and capillary walls, and works as a base for makeup.
  • Eye Gel with Vitamin K:  An eye cream with peptides and amino acids, as well as vitamin K, aloe vera, Spirulina and other plant extracts. It hydrates and firms the under eye area, and reduces the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and fine lines.
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