Pure SKN ~ Cosmetics, Skin Care Products

June 15, 2010 Comments

Pure SKN ~ Cosmetics, Skin Care Products

DETROIT–Pure SKN, a company that manufactures 100-percent natural cosmetics and skin care products, unveiled a full line of cosmetics and skin care products that are gluten-free and contain organic ingredients and nutrients that neutralize free radicals, including vitamins A, C and E; red rooibos tea; white tea; and green tea.  All of Pure SKN cosmetics and skin care products have been infused with therapeutic-grade essential oils to further support the body’s ability to repair and renew the skin. These products also contain MSM and DMAE which are known to reduce fine lines and age spots.  Pure SKN’s crushed minerals come from Germany, and are never diluted with other additives, which promotes a creamy and naturally pure texture. The new cosmetic line contains foundations, blushes, bronzers, eye and lipliners, glosses and lipsticks, mascara and eyeshadows. The all-new skin care products include Pure Cleanser, Pure Toner and Hydating Spray, Pure Firming Serum, Pure Eye Cream and Pure Moisturizer.

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