J.P. Packaging ~ Skin Care Sample, Unit-Dose Packaging

2 days ago Comments

CHESTER, N.Y.—Skin care sample and unit-dose packaging are now available from J.P. Packaging. Portable and sanitary product testers and multi-pack point-of-use packages offer accurate, controlled, point-of-application reliability. 

“Skin care product formulations present a wide range of challenges," noted John Vandercliff, president of J.P. Packaging. “Viscosities may range from thin, watery solutions to thick, viscous formulations.  Individual ingredients—notably oils or micro inclusions within skin care formulations, often present unique filling and sealing challenges for assuring package/product integrity. Fortunately, our experience with machinery, product filling and a broad selection of packaging substrates, enables us to package skin care products in protective packages—without any integrity issues."

A key element in the packaging of skin care product samples is proper dosing and placement, especially with over-the-counter (OTC) products. If a packager over fills, under fills or fills a product within the seam line, the package may not contain an accurate application; or the package integrity may be compromised. Since products should sit comfortably within a secure 360 degree sealing perimeter, J.P. Packaging created the dosing pumps to assure proper fill volume and placement. 

Customized handling and dosing solutions have been developed for packaging formulations that include microdermabrasion beads. J.P. Packaging offers guidance in selecting specialty packaging materials that are compatible with the product formulation, will maintain product shelf-life freshness and will optimize sample containment.


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