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Ameann DeJohn

Ameann DeJohn is a versatile industry professional with vast, real life business experience and a keen understanding of the skin care business. She is currently an active consultant, author and speaker to the beauty industry, ranging from small start-ups to prominent corporations. Ameann has been featured at national conferences and industry events, held training seminars and has been featured on many major television networks providing commentary, business advice and educational services.

Probiotics in Your Skin Care


Probiotics were originally known for restoring the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract; however they are making their way into our topical skin care products.

While walking the aisle of SupplySide MarketPlace, I found Oragenics, an oral hygiene brand that supports gum and tooth health through the use of the active ingredient ProBiora3®, which contains a proprietary blend of three select oral bacterial strains of human origin: Streptococcus oralis strain KJ3, Streptococcus uberis strain KJ2 for maintaining gingival health and Streptococcus rattus strain JH145 for maintaining dental health.

Bioecolia, an alpha-glucan oligosaccharide, obtained from natural sugars was one of the first ingredients in skin care formulas. Bioecolai promotes beneficial flora of the skin during times of stress and exposure to airborne bacteria.

Probiotics are a more holistic way of treating health conditions, including those affecting the skin. Look for them in your next skin care product.

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