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Bio-Botanica® Hires Jason O'Neill, Personal Care Sales

Posted in Blog, Bio-Botanica

Bio-Botanica® Inc. appointed Jason O’Neill, director of sales – personal care.As an experienced professional in the personal care industry, O'Neill joined the Bio-Botanica team to focus on growth in the personal care market. He received his Bachelor of Science in engineering from Michigan Technology University. Capitalizing on his engineering background and progressive business knowledge, he will be a valuable member of the Bio-Botanica team by providing strategic leadership and customer focus.

He began is career with Dow Corning in 1998 and progressively moved through the technical ranks before joining the sales team at Dow Corning.  As a key account manager at Dow Corning, O'Neill worked with many of the top personal care, pharmaceutical and medical device companies. O'Neill then joined Elementis Specialties as a sales manager for the Americas region where he continued to build his experience and knowledge of the personal care industry. Most recently he led a sales team at Innophos Inc. that provided specialty products to the food, pharmaceutical, personal care and beverage market.

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