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Ameann DeJohn

Ameann DeJohn is a versatile industry professional with vast, real life business experience and a keen understanding of the skin care business. She is currently an active consultant, author and speaker to the beauty industry, ranging from small start-ups to prominent corporations. Ameann has been featured at national conferences and industry events, held training seminars and has been featured on many major television networks providing commentary, business advice and educational services.

Exploring Social Networking

By Ameann DeJohn Comments

Social networking can be so time consuming, whether it be Facebook or Linkedin; however, most of us have succumbed to or are marveling at the world of social networking. It is undeniably a wonderful way to meet new people in your industry, connect with old (or new) co-workers, network and spread news about your service or expertise. At the same time, sometimes it is a little overwhelming.

However, just recently I came across a site that caters to the professional beauty world. is a networking site that caters exclusively to the salon/spa/wellness facilities and medical aesthetic practices. “Brilliant!" I thought to myself. “No more drudging through trying to find my beauty network." What a perfect way to really target our market and find the people and services you’re looking for.

After signing up and browsing their forum I found it very easy to navigate and follow. Like other sites you can build your own profile then add friends, follow their posts, stay on track with events, upload photos and more. Unlike other networking sites, this one gives us beauty professionals all of what we want and nothing we don't. It saves time and gets us to connect with the people we want easily.

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