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Aurealis™ Increases Skin Thickness


NEW YORK—At HBA Global Expo 2011, Naturex shared scientific results from its latest study conducted on its moisturizing active, Aurealis™, an extract of bitter orange flowers (Citrus aurantium L.). Due to its specific profile, it helps the skin to maintain the balance of water diffusion/evaporation and enhance water retention via limited losses.

The latest ex-vivo study from Naturex, Aurealis significantly increased the epidermis thickness by 82 percent. This barrier is therefore reinforced to protect the body against daily exposure to dry air, cleaning products, extreme temperatures and other environmental factors.

The main factors of the hydration process (hyaluronic acid [HA] and glycoaminoglycan [GAG]) were significantly improved:

  • The Aurealis compounds stimulated the production of GAG in the basal layer by 183 percent.
  • The production of HA was increased by 33 percent in the epidermis.



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